One thing about life is that we will all face problems. There is no eluding or escaping life's problems or challenges. Our response to the problems and challenges is what ultimately makes us or breaks us and determines our success or failures. In the midst of your problems and challenges, you have a choice to decide if you will be a conqueror or be conquered. A sad truth is that many are already defeated and conquered at the first sign of an issue, problem, or challenge because they have allowed themselves to be sidetracked and distracted with negative thoughts and a victim mentality. Failure is a part of everyone's journey, but some choose to make it a final destination. 

 What I do know is that action brings traction. Action stifles fear and anxiety. The path is paved by walking, not waiting and staying stale, stuck, and stagnant. It's time for you to win and conquer everything that's threatening your destiny. This book is to encourage you to get up and move. It will give you the tools and tips to use your mind as your strongest asset instead of your biggest foe. Your mind is stronger than you give it credit for! Come journey with us as each author gives you their story of overcoming and becoming a conqueror of the things that tried to ultimately stop them from reaching their highest heights. Girl, it's time to GET UP AND MOVE. YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!

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